Kong Lew's, KG6TN Corrected Plates, 2-28-08
This is a website which informs and calls to action amateur radio operators (hams) against the California Dept. of Motor Vehicles (DMV) unreasonable new policy of adding a space in ham's callsign license plates.
R. Breidinger
Department of Motor Vehicles
Special Plates Unit – M/S 238
Dear R. Breidinger,
Recently I applied for a set of Amateur Radio Operator call sign vehicle license plates. As requested, I included a copy of my current FCC license to operate under the call sign of N6MDA. Last week I noticed that the $21.00 check I had sent along was processed by my bank, and I expected the plates to arrive shortly!
Yesterday, I received a letter from the DMV which included my original application and paperwork and informing me: “Our records are indicating Amateur Radio Plates issued to another party on a currently registered vehicle. You cannot have 2 parties with same call letters. Contact FCC for correct call letters”.
After several calls, I finally talked to a woman named “Linda” in the Special Plates Unit. I thought the plate may still be registered to the person who had my N6MDA call previously, and had let it expire with the FCC back in 2005. She looked up the present owner and the history on the plate. She discovered the previous N6MDA had sold his truck and transferred the N6MDA plates to the new owner, who is not a licensed Amateur Radio Operator.
I asked the women at the DMV how can this happen? She advised me that when a new application for a call sign plate is made, the DMV requests a copy of a valid FCC Amateur Radio Operators license. However, when someone who has let their FCC Amateur Radio Operators license expire goes to renew the Ham plates, or sells their vehicle with the Ham plates on it, the DMV makes no effort to revalidate that this person still has a valid FCC license.
This process now allows people without a valid FCC license to display a Ham call sign on their vehicle. The DMV allowing this practice to occur is a serious matter for the following reasons:
I am requesting the California Department of Motor Vehicle to take the following actions:
Your prompt action in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
M. Michael D’Amore (N6MDA)
CC: Senator Tom McClintock
State Capitol, Room 3070
Hi Cliff,
I have an up-date for you and other hams. I received a telephone call from DMV special plates unit in Sacramento last Wednesday (2-6-08) and the technician that was calling asked me if I would like to have my ham plates reissued "without the space" in the call sign. My response to her was, of course, yes. She told me that she would place the order for me and that no follow-up paperwork would be required on my part and I would not be assessed any additional fee for the plates. She then told me that if I had already placed my 2008 registration sticker on the rear incorrectly configured plate (which I had) she would send me a new registration card with a new sticker. I was very impressed by DMV on this one. They recognized the error and then called me to get it corrected all without burdening me with extra paperwork or fees. I hope you and other amateur radio operators will benefit from this information. Please feel free to post either or both of my email messages. And thanks for getting the ball rolling on this issue, I for one appreciate it.
-Steven Gibson, K6KGO
[Editor’s Note –To say “unpleasant confrontations” have occurred when hams have been stopped by the police, and the police have been unable to find their callsign license plate in the DMV computer is an understatement. Being stopped by the police can turn into a very serious matter. Such stops should be avoided. While to a police officer it is reasonable to stop a car whose plates are not apparently in the DMV computer, the cause of this is DMV computer defaults to putting a space into our callsign license plates. This issue has not been resolved].
Note: This message was inadvertantly delayed at ARRL HQ for approximately 40 hours. We apologize for the error. -- KE3Z ************************************************************ Here's your update on major items of interest to us in the ARRL Southwestern Division... ************************************************************ The California Department of Motor Vehicles has made it official that Amateur Radio callsign license plates will again be issued without spaces in the callsigns. Those who currently have plates with spaces can get them exchanged. Information is on the DMV web-site at http://www.dmv.ca.gov/ham/ham_plate.htm . Amateur Radio's case was made by a number of individuals including a number of individuals who contacted DMV and/or their elected representatives. DMV apparently has several lists of license plate numbers, such as regular automobile, motorcycle, commercial vehicle, and amateur radio. Therefore database computers for callsign plates under the "ham" designation. Several people have reported that certain policemen were unaware of this, and unpleasant confrontations have occurred. People are suggesting fixes for this, such as putting the words "Amateur Radio" on the plates. These suggestions are being politely passed on to DMV. In the meantime, remind any officer stopping you that he must search for ham plates. After initial concern that phone while driving might be misapplied to use of Amateur Radio mobile equipment, DMV's web-site clearly now states that the law, scheduled to begin on July 1, does not apply to two-way radios. See http://www.dmv.ca.gov/cellularphonelaws/
[Editor’s Note – Andy Oppel is ARRL’s Vice-Director Northern Calif. Bob Vallio is Director].
Andy, I was probably one of the first hams to get space ham plates and the lies from DMV. I immediately though "ARRL has to be told" I sent an email to Bob Vallio W6RGG informing him what was happening and also asked him what should be done to correct this. After two weeks of no response I sent him another email and again no response. As of today I have never received a reply to my emails.
I am a life member of the ARRL and have been a member for about 30 years. I'm very, very disappointed with Mr. Vallio and the entire ARRL Organization for the way they handled the ham space problem. All Mr. Vallio had to do was send me a short email telling me that the ARRL was working on the problem through legal channels and that he would keep California Hams advised of the progress.
Believe me if I was not an ARRL Life Member I would not be a member at all!!
Don Borden NC6A
Schedule Appointment Online
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Vehicle Registration Fee Calculator
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Order Special Interest and Personalized Plates
Online Change of Address
Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability
These plates are issued, upon request, to holders of Federal Communication Commission (FCC) amateur radio station licenses. The alpha-numeric series reflects the call letters assigned by the FCC (Vehicle Code §5005 and Revenue and Taxation Code §§10751, 10752).
If you have Amateur Radio (HAM) License Plates that have spaces between the numbers or letters and you would like plates without the spaces follow this link to the application. Complete the application and a Statement of Facts indicating that you wish to retain the old plates until the new plates arrive, at which time you will properly destroy the old plates. Mail both documents to the address on the bottom of the application form. No fees are required.
If you have questions or concerns regarding your Amateur Radio (HAM) license plates, please call Customer Communications at (916) 657-6560
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Hello Cliff,
I have been following the blog on the "no space ham plates" issue. I received my amateur radio plates yesterday from DMV Headquarters and my configuration was "K6 KGO" as predicted. I called the special plates unit at DMV (916-657-8035) and the technician I spoke with was not aware of the issue. She took down my information and questions and stated that someone would call me back within 3 business days (she stated probably next Monday). I am just wondering what up-to-date information you may have. I haven't attached the plates to my car yet, pending receipt of the phone call promised by DMV. Is DMV providing any relief for the amateur community or is the issue still fluid? If it has been addressed and rectified, what is the next step in the process to get my plates imprinted correctly? Any information you can pass along to me will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
-Steven Gibson, K6KGO
Jun’s Electoronics
28 Signers of the Petition Against a Space in Amateur Radio Callsign License Plates
Jan. 2008
Bryce Anderson, K6TI
Lonnie Bland, N6RBR
Walter Deutsch, KG6MZU
El Segundo CA
Richard Friedel, KB6OT
Gregory Hillendahl, KE6THC
Paul In, KI6EL
Mario Ibarra, WS6C
Dale Jensen, K6ZTI
Darin Jones, KC6UBP
LA CA 90043
Douglas Junge, K6BKB
Donald Klein, KI6PMS
Caskey Dickson, KV8O
David Larson, AC9AC
Marcelino Martinez, KF6ILX
Ernie Nairne, N6HY
LA (Mar
Walt Ordway, K1DFO
Jeff Park, W6LLJ
Van Nuys CA
Chito Pastor, WW6CP
Lee Roberson, K6OXJ
Joe Scholz, W6BTE
Deanna Smitha, W6DWS
Elie Tawil, K4ELE
Robert Taylor, K6VBI
Norman Watters, WG6W
Western Amateur Radio Linking Assn., WA6LA
Jimmy Wunno, KA6WXZ
LA, CA 90065
Ray Wunno, KE6LE
Don NC6A
I am sorry, I have to disagree with you here. The more letters and phone calls, the better. Nothing is worse than stopping a campaign in the middle of attention getting. This is ridiculous. It is not what my call sign is, it is what the CA-DMV want's it to be. No other state in the
Marvin - W6MJM (or is it W6 MJM)
CALL OFF THE DOGS! - UPDATE Last month EM reported that the California Department of Motor Vehicles, arbitrarily and unannounced, had implemented a policy of inserting a blank space in the middle of some amateur call sign license plates. There was an enormous groundswell of protest. And, we did get their attention, as well as the attention of some members of the California Legislature. While we have no official policy change to report at this time, we have been asked that the letter-writing and telephone-calling campaigns be put "on hold" until the issue has been reviewed by the DMV and some California Legislators. For additional information go to: www.NoSpaceHamPlates.blogspot .com